Saturday, February 28, 2015

40 4 40 #36 SNL

This is the latest in a series of blogs chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in SEVEN DAYS!! You can read all the entries under the label 40 4 40.

This was not my planned number 36, but enjoyable nonetheless. A coworker/friend and I were supposed to Karaoke last weekend, but she got sick. We rescheduled for this weekend and the world is under a sheet of ice. We will do it eventually!! Just not as one of my 40 new things...

So a couple weeks ago, Saturday Night Live celebrated its 40th season. Yup, SNL is the same age as me!! But yet, I have have never watched an episode. I am sure I've seen parts of sketches and remakes of sketches but I've never actually watched it, on purpose. If you know me, you know that by 10:30pm I am generally asleep. Even on a Saturday night! Or I'm not home. I know that there have been Saturday nights that I was watching a movie or something and when SNL started, I knew it was time to go to bed!

The other reason I've never wanted to watch an episode is that I just didn't think I'd find it funny. I generally don't like making fun of people, play-acting dumbness, etc. And I thought that was what it was all about.

I decided that the 40th anniversary special would be a good place to start. To maybe catch up. It was definitely star-studded! I was entertained. I even laughed. It was long though. I found myself doing other things in the second hour. The memorial tribute was nice - I'm really glad they put that in.

When it was over, I found myself wanting to watch a "real" episode, so I guess that says a lot. However, it doesn't start for another 1.5 hours and then it's 1.5 hours long! So, yeah, maybe tomorrow I'll watch it online :) I suppose that takes some of the "live" out of it, but I'm okay with that!!

And I will no longer "avoid" it. If I'm up and it comes on, perhaps I'll just leave it on!!

OMG - only FOUR more!!

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