Saturday, February 28, 2015

40 4 40 #35 Buy (& Use) a Groupon

This is the latest in a series of entries chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 NEXT WEEK!! It now appears as though I will be successful :) You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

A couple months ago, while discussing new things with someone, they said I should see if there's a Groupon for skydiving. I replied that I had never used a Groupon before and didn't really understand them. I thought that you had to have a group go in on it together to get the deal. That seemed way complicated! But she assured me it was easy and I should try it. So I did :)

A few days later, I went to the Groupon website to see what it was all about. Wow. You can get them for haircuts, oil changes, trips, stuff, and who knows what else!! Basically, what I determined is that a vendor decides it wants to sell a certain number of their product for a discounted price. They put it up as a Groupon. This guarantees them that certain number of customers. Most of the ones that I looked at said you could only buy one, unless buying more for a gift. Not sure how that works!

I looked at the list several times before I settled on something. I figure I can always use a massage :) I chose a local, independent lady who was asking half price for a 1 hour Swedish massage. I decided to make the appointment closer to my bday so I purchased the Groupon in January but used it just this week!

The whole process was quite simple. And the massage was heavenly!! I highly recommend Carolyn's Healing Hands and I will go back!! Partly because she gave me a discount coupon for my next visit :) She had her table in a little tiny room that barely let her walk around the table. Low overhead means she can do discounts, I guess!!

Anyway, I now get regular emails from Groupon and will definitely keep an eye on any wonderful bargain. And since I like to get a facial and/or massage at least once a year, it's perfect for the cheapskate in me!!

I am currently working on #36. I can't believe I'm almost done and almost 40!!! Thanks for reading this journey with me :)

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