Friday, June 14, 2024

Day Two Chicago

 Oh my 4am is early. But I did it. After a very good sleep (lights off by 8am!), I was up and at 'em for a train ride to Chicago. Got to the Amtrak station over an hour early, which they said I should, and it wasn't open. and we didn't board until the time printed on my ticker, which I thought was what time it was supposed to leave. Turns out, it basically was cuz we left as soon as everyone was on the train. 

I got to see Michigan that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Everything was so green! I would like to go back someday and explore the rest of the state. There was quite a bit of farmland. I have no idea what was being grown. I should look that up some day. 

Random girl

A farm of some sort

Halfway! Last stop before Chicago.

I didn't realize until I looked at a map mid ride that we went through Indiana. So bonus state! I *think* this is the Indiana part of Lake Michigan. I don't remember at what point I took it. Oops.

We even rode by where the White Sox play.  Excuse the reflection of my phone. 

Ended up at Chicago's Union Station. Under renovations but still way cool.

After some public transit snafus (but very nice people to help), I ended up at Wrigley Field. (Also, I have now added bus and subway to my planes, trains, and automobiles).

Wrigley was packed, especially for a Friday afternoon. Might have been due to the opponent - St Louis Cardinals, a rival and nearby foe (or near enough). It was pretty darn cool singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame with them all. Except that the "guest" was none other than Kerry Wood, longtime Cubs pitcher who was not very nice to the Astros (main memory is when he struck out 20 Astros in one game).

The video of the singing just says processing - sorry if it doesn't show up. 

After being so hot yesterday, it was weird being so cold today. But there is quite a breeze coming off the lake! I found myself just wandering around people watching and such. There were people everywhere! I left before the bottom of the 9th in hopes that I was bad luck and they could make a comeback. It didn't work. 

I went off to get my luggage from the storage place (which was actually a locked closet at the golf bar place) and walked almost a mile to get the rental car. Then I drove out of Chicago as quick as I could! 

But soon after leaving the city behind, I saw a sign for the Chicago Botanic Garden and I thought "Why not?"! So I did. It was $10 to park and then apparently more to actually go in. But they let teachers in for free and the very nice girls excused the California part. I didn't stay long, just had a short walk and enjoyed the serenity. 

Then I crossed into Wisconsin (if you're counting that's 4 states today!). I'm at a cheap Super 8 with a comfy bed. I get to sleep late tomorrow and find a store of some sort to buy snacks and such. OH!! For dinner I had Hunt Bros Pizza!!!! This is a BIG deal to me as they are a sponsor or whatever of my Nashville Predators. It was SOOOOO good!!! And it was just grab and go from the kiosk at the gas station!! Add another reason to go to Nashville at some point :)

Stay tuned for Milwaukee!!

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