Friday, December 16, 2011

I Think I Blinked

HOW did we get to Christmas vacation already?!?! I'm NOT complaining. It just seems like this Fall has FLOWN by. I'll go back to school and have 2 weeks left in the 1st semester. Craziness I tell you!!

So this means sooner than later it'll be 100 degrees and I'll be out for 8 weeks, right?!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Tonight's Advent reflection was about Joseph's dream in which he knew to marry Mary.

Ah, dreams. I dream. At night, while asleep. During the day, while bored or whatnot. Big dreams, scary dreams. My dreams, God's dreams? I do fully believe in dreams being one way God speaks to me.

But what about the day dreams? Are they my creation? Or are they nudges from God? I've always thought of those as wishes. You know, the ones in a meeting when you dream up the wonderful accolades your boss is about to bestow on you. Or the ones where the cute guy at the next table asks you out. No? Just me?

Anyway, tonight's reflection reminded me to be listening for WHENEVER God speaks. Not easy. But so rewarding!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Spirit

For the first time in my memory, I have Christmas spirit!! It's really quite fun :)

I'm singing along to Carols, decorated my house, adopted an angel, and am going to a couple parties. This feeling is kinda nice!!

The odd and possibly disturbing part is that it almost seems like I can't get enough!!! I really want to put up a tree. I'm hoping someone I know has an old one to give me. Unfortunately, this is all reminding me how broke I am. And I'd rather buy gifts for my angel than a new tree. Guess that's good!

Not sure I have a point here. Or if I'm rambling. But there it is.

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today's reflection was about angels. Even before Adam asked me if I look for angels in every day life, I was thinking of the various angels in my life. The ones who have brought me a message - how to love, how to grow up, how to grow.

Then I started thinking about my students. Are any of them angels trying to tell me a message from God? My first thought was that some are continuing my lessons in patience. I've decided that class is never out for me.

Anyway, then I thought... what if I'm someone's angel?! Do I have a message to be sharing? It's one to ponder!!!

(I'd ponder here now but I'm very sleepy.)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It Begins

Today is the first Sunday in Advent. A time of preparation for the coming of the Christ child in 4 weeks. I know that I should go to church, but I just don't want to! I have instead started a new Advent reading. The Journey by Adam Hamilton. It's actually short reflections - one for each day in Advent. There's apparently a whole book. Maybe I'll do that next year. Anyway, I just read the first one, and I have reflections of my own so thought I'd share. Can't guarantee I'll have reflections every day but when I do, I'll try to share. I miss writing.

We started this Journey with the genealogy in the book of Matthew. Adam pointed out that 5 women are mentioned which was kinda odd way back then. (Though, really, what's a genealogy without women - can't really do it without us, can they?!) These five women were prostitutes, peasants, basic nobodies...

Thought #1: I'm basically a nobody, in the big picture book of life. Yes, I know I'm important, etc. but really, I'm not famous, rich, "known". If Ruth and Tamar can be a part of the genealogy of JESUS, why can't I be SOMEbody too?!?! Not famous somebody, but somebody who makes a difference in the world, and such. Reaffirmed my call to teaching. Which leads me to thought #2.

Thought #2: I "lead" a group of "nobodies" everyday in the classroom. I try very hard to enrich their minds, make them valuable citizens of the world, encourage them to do better. I must continue!!! Again, reaffirms my belief that sitting in my classroom is the next (okay, in 20 years) President, the curer of cancer, the inventor of the time machine. It reminds me that EVERYbody is a SOMEbody, and it's partly my job to make sure THEY see that. Even the ones who sleep through class, throw paper airplanes, and have NO respect for me, others, or themselves.

So, with this encouragement in my heart and soul, I WILL go back to work tomorrow. And CHANGE LIVES!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11, 11:11pm

So since I'm up, I decided I might as well stay up and make that all important wish of all wishes. I missed 11:11 this morning. Giving a test? Yelling at a student? Who knows.

Anyway, since I'm wishing, what do I wish for? I'm not telling. Bug my train if thought did lead me to a conversation from earlier this evening about online dating.

Maybe I'm nuts, or live in a make-believe world, but I really do believe God has made my man and that man is preparing himself for me as I am for him and when God is ready, said man will appear in my life. And I don't think it'll be online. Call it a gut feeling. Or maybe I read too many romance novels.

Speaking if which, just finished mine. Girl got boy, and her long dreamed of romantic moment. I'll get mine too. When its time.

Why did I just write all this? To kill time until 11:11 of course!

May all your wishes come true, at all times :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011

A favorite

I know that teachers shouldn't have favorites, but we do. M was one of my first favorites. He would come visit me in the morning before school. This year he came to visit between almost every class. I had him in class last year and this year. He always made sure my water bottle was full (coulda been to go get water for himself but still). He liked to "tag" my whiteboard.

M has been talking to me for weeks about his family moving. I was in denial until today when he came to say goodbye.

I know we're not supposed to have favorites, but goodness I'm gonna miss that kid!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

God keeps us on our toes!

I've been led by God to do a lot of things, go a lot of places. This morning, I felt PUSHED!!!

I got up and went grocery shopping. I had thought about trying out the church up the street from me, but decided to skip. Again. I've been thinking about visiting that church for some time.

Anyway, I got home from the store with just enough time to put on a skirt and some make-up. I wanted to sit on the couch instead, but I really felt like God was pushing me out the door. So I went.

It was all music and a sermon. The sermon was really more like a Bible study. The service was over in about an hour (though the preacher joked about it being short...). The music was fabulous. The young couple next to me was very nice. I'd go back.

Still not sure what I'm looking for but I don't think it was there. But I'm glad I went. Uplifted for the week.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pep 'em UP!!!

Today was the first pep rally of the school year to celebrate our first home football game of the year.

I believe in getting pepped up and encouraging others to get pepped as well. Most students already know I'm nuts. They just laugh.

This year I am making myself a little more visible, in front of my sophomores (I'm their class sponsor). Apparently now all the teachers all realize I'm nuts!

Yep, I'm the one with no rhythm having fun trying to get hose kids excited!!! I believe in school spirit!!!

Besides its a PEP rally, not a RHYThM rally!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Two down, 178 (or so) to go

Well, I'm still alive. My feet hurt. I'm exhausted. My throat hurts. My brain doesn't want to work. But...

I have some good kids! About 150 total. There are a couple of challenges but nothing too major yet. I've already laughed. Learned. Gotten mad. And then some!

Now, to get some sleep and go back for more tomorrow!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's Here

Well, I've watched 7 seasons of NCIS, several seasons of Weeds and CSI, 3 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, and the first season of Gilmore Girls. I've slept; I've driven; I've shopped; I've sweated; I've hiked; I've relaxed; I've even gone on a date.

In about an hour, I will take some Nyquil and go to bed. And then... students will descend upon my classroom. Ready or not.

I don't remember being nervous last year. I'm sure I was. Right now, I mostly feel unprepared. Not sure why. I am prepared. For tomorrow at least. It's almost like I'm forgetting something. I've checked my to-do list several times today. Everything is checked off.

Besides, even if I am forgetting something, or am not 110% prepared, it's not like tomorrow won't happen! Those students will be there at 7:55am regardless!

And, so, my friends... here we go!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Not the right words...

George is sick. Two vet visits. Lots of dollars. Actually, she's doing much better, but she has bad kidneys, so we're going to do whatever we need to since we caught it early and CAN do something.

Anyway, I've been sharing this on Facebook as its been happening. And here is why I'm posting here... why do people feel that the comment they need to make is about their own pet dying of a kidney issue. Really? That is Soooooo not what I need or want to hear about right now!!!! I'm sure they're well meaning and all, but those are not the right words to show support!!!

George should be fine with the proper treatment. And its helped me come to terms with the fact that she's old.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer is Gone

Once again, we teachers say goodbye to summer. The long days of reading and lounging and general relaxing. We cross off the last of our project list. We wonder how it all went so fast.

Upon us is an exciting new year. We've prepped our classrooms. We've attempted to get on a normal sleep schedule. We're excited for the fresh new faces, new minds to mold. Our lesson plans are ready. Our gradebooks are a blank slate, anticipating a year of excellence, knowing there will always be at least one.

Here we go. One hundred eighty days of fun, excitement, challenge, headache, heartache, heartwarmth. Every day different, never knowing what to expect. Learning and teaching so much more than our certificate says. I'm ready.

Now, when's Christmas Break?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random Rambles

Weather - It rained today. Not at my house though. We got a dozen raindrops, a lot of wind, and dark skies. G and I even went outside to see what was happening. It was pretty nice out. I could smell rain, it just didn't quite fall. Or didn't make it to the ground. Or something. Still brown grass. But at least I still don't have to mow!! And sadly, we broke our streak of 100 degree days, one day shy of tying the record. 1980 will continue to live on in infamy while we just continue to suffer.

Football - The Cowboys game is on my TV. It doesn't appear to be very exciting. Field goals. Oh lala! I'm just glad there will be a season. For Fantasy Football purposes. And for everyone who makes their living off of beer production.

Politics - I hate politics. I try to ignore it. But today, Rick Perry put his name in the hat for president. Argh. I don't follow enough to know more than under him, our education system isn't doing very well. He doesn't seem to support us. Therefore, I hope he loses. Of course, rumor is he's running with Palin. That's SO not helping his chances!!

Dad - he rocks. He's been on a biking adventure that was kinda nutty, in my opinion. But he did it, and he had fun! And I sat on my arse, so I guess he wins :) I love him!!

That is all for today.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Done for a While

I had a date today. Well, I had lunch with a man that I had not previously met that a mutual friend thought we'd be "perfect together". We e-mailed for about a week before making plans for today. In the course of the e-mails we'd pretty much both stated that we weren't into dating and weren't looking for anything out of the meal. That took the pressure off, but I was still nervous. I guess nervous is the right word. Not excited. Apprehensive maybe? We ate at one of my favorite places (PeiWei) so that helped a lot too!!

Anyway, it was a pleasant meal. Food was YUMMY! We were able to keep up chatter. Nothing deep. It was a good time, I suppose. I e-mailed a thank you and we've established we'd like to stay in touch. Partly because our mutual friend is in a not-so-good relationship.

So, I've had my date for this decade. I'm done :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I keep thinking I should be doing something today. I do have things left on my summer to-do list. But then, I keep thinking that I only have a few days left of doing nothing, so I should enjoy them. Of course, once school starts, my to-do list gets forgotten, so I should get things checked off.

Argh! This dilemma exhausts me. I think I'll take a nap :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Forever a Bachelorette?

Tonight was the finale of The Bachelorette. She found love. Who knows if it'll last!

I'm a bachelorette. I kinda like it. However, watching shows like this, I wonder if I'm missing something. I doubt it. But seeing how happy they are together and how romantic it all was, it makes a single girl wistful!

And then, I come home to my George, with all my stuff where I want it, and can do whatever I want!! A big diamond can NOT beat that :)

My philosophy (?) on my own personal love life is that I'm happy just the way things are. I do believe that God has a life partner for me, somewhere, sometime. I'm fine waiting. All I ask is that I know when it's "him". It'd make things easier :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Road trip Home!!

Apparently I missed a day... not much happened on Thursday. Dad and I Hung out. We went downtown to the Village and walked around. Then we went to the dam and looked at the new and old roads. The road used to be on top of the dam of the lake. They built a bridge that is the new road. It's quite impressive.

Then dinner at the Moose Lodge with my bro and friends who happened to also be there. Yummy veggie burger made just for me :)

(me, sis-in law Loni, and Bro Dave)

Then Friday afternoon about 1:30 pdt I left dad's house :(. The drive was fairly uneventful. I didn't get very good gas mileage until albuquerque. It also rained until I got to New Mexico. That was exciting for this Texan!! Took a 3 hour nap somewhere on NM. Then drove drove drove some more. Beautiful sunrise.

George didn't recognize me at first but she warmed up real quick!! Soooooo glad to be home with her though I miss California and dad and all very much.

Laundry time!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Road trip Adventure Day

Wednesday dawned fairly early for us. We had to drive almost 2 hours to get to Palm Springs to the Aerial Tramway to get to the start of our hike. We lived in PS when I was in elementary school and went up the tram all the time. My mom volunteered with the Natural History Association and I helped, and dad ran the trails.(ran as in faster than jogged). I had time to kill a couple years ago and journeyed up to the top for a quick look around, but dad hadn't been up in probably 25 years!!! He used to run to the peak 2-3 times a week back then but it was kinda like doing it for the first time again. I'd just been a kid and remembered nothing past the ranger station and camping area 2 miles in.
Anyway, we started about 10:30 and went up. And up. And up. Dad told me stories of his running experiences and we talked to everyone we met on the trail. Campers coming down. Hikers going up who passed us. We are slow and steady. It wins the race, you know.
The trail is very rocky and has lots of steps up and over rocks and roots. It was a challenging 12 mile round trip. The last 400 yards or so to the actual peak, and sign, are all boulder. I insisted on getting to the sign :)

My new boots were AMAZING and I had no problems. They had great grip on all the rocks and my feet were warm and cozy the whole way. I was of course tired, but a good tired :)
After we were done and came back down the tram, we cleaned up and went out to dinner. We chose a local Mexican restaurant that we went to regularly back in the day. It's actually where we went for my parents wedding anniversary every year. It was exactly the same 25 years later and just as yummy. They even served a veggie taco :)
Dad drove us back home and I collapsed into bed. It'd been a long day. I'm happy to say that I feel pretty good today, just a little stiff when I first stand up. Not bad, considering!!!
Today, we rest :) and all of a sudden, I leave for home tomorrow.:(

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Road trip Tuesday

Ah, big bear :) dad and I went for a short hike to warm up for tomorrow.

This is where we turned around. that'd be the lake behind me. Dad claims this is the best view anywhere and I'd have to agree. We went about 5 miles. I feel great and am super excited for the big adventure tomorrow. Oh yeah, when we got home, dad joined Facebook!!! He's not jumping in but seems excited to see what its all about. Early bedtime.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Road trip Monday

I'm in big bear, and its not hot!!! In fact, its almost cold!!! My car said 77 and I almost cried!!!

Left Sarah this morning (so sad) and drove to temecula to see karie. Karie and I met late in college and bonded instantly it seemed. She drove me to Delaware when I moved after college. She just had a baby so I went to her house and hung out. Thomas is 4 months old and ADORABLE!!! I was there about 5 hours and I held him pretty much the whole time. Good baby. Fun, sweet. Laughy, giggly, wiggly. He seemed to like me too. And karie seemed to appreciate having her hands free :) as always, it was hard leaving her. But next year I promised to stay the night.

On to big bear I drove. I got gas at the bottom of the mountain and it was $3.65. Same as I paid in Texas before I left. There's something wrong with that in my mind!!

I started up the mountain and my car read 100 degrees outside. It fell fast :) it had also just sprinkled in big bear. It smelled SOOO good up here!!!

Dinner with my bro and his fam. Yummy nepalese food. And because we've changed hiking plans, I get to see them again on Thursday! Now dads playing with his new macbook and I'm updating you :) Ah, vacation!!!

Road trip - the drive

First lesson learned at 3:30am. If you're going to leave on a road trip at the crack of dawn, have caffeine at the ready. It's dark. Nothing is open. It was a miserable first few hours. I actually pulled over and closed my eyes for about 30 minutes.

Also learned that I don't like audio books read by men. They don't keep me awake like they should.

Rolled through the New Mexico border patrol station mid morning. No machine guns out at that hour. He didn't even ask me any questions. Just told me to have a safe trip. Nothing else exciting in NM. Gas was $3.49.

Arizona held lots of excitement. It RAINED!!! Poured really for about 3 minutes. Very nice. AND gas was $3.29!!!!!!!! I stopped and saw my cousins north of phoenix. Realized it has been 18 years!! Great catching up.

Woke up Sunday and drove to California. Had lunch with a friend from elementary school who I hadn't seen on at least 20 years. Fun stuff. Then I went to see Josh. I'll have to explain that in a different post. And then I made my way to Sarah, who I call Port.

Sarah and I met and became friends through church camp in high school. Her brother is my age and she's 3 years younger. We all went to the same college too. Anyway, port is one of those friends that when we get together its like we were never apart except we could talk for days telling stories and catching up. Love her. I woke up early so I'm just waiting to say goodbye right now. Hate leaving. But I'm off to see karie and meet baby Thomas. Then to dads.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Road trip diaries part one

So I was going to chronicle my trip each night... then I forgot last night, the first night. Now its the second night and I am half asleep.

So.... maybe tomorrow?? It means I'm having fun and staying busy :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

TdF favoritism

One more mountain stage. A time trial. And a coast into Paris. That's all that's left. So....
Three weeks ago, I had several favorites. And there's one that I really don't want to win. Many stages ago, Thomas Voeckler took the yellow jersey (race lead) and has kept it. All my fave, basically, are still in the hunt. Almost everyday it is said, "todays the day someone will change it all up", but voeckler has stayed in the thick of it. It's been impressive really.
Anyway, today one of my faves, possibly my #1 fave, Andy Schleck, opened up a can of whoopa$$!! And rode to the stage victory. And gained a lot of time. In fact for quite a while, he was in "virtual yellow". but voeckler gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and rode hard the last few yards. He's still in yellow!!! By 15 seconds instead of over a minute, but still leading.
So here's my dilemma. Voeckler has really shown he deserves yellow, or at least on the podium. But then there's Andy who I want to win so bad!!! If I add voeckler to my "I'll be happy if he wins" list, am I a traitor? Or jumping on a bandwagon? It's not like I've changed my mind cuz he's cute or something!!! He earned my support!!!
Of course, everything could change tomorrow and it could be moot. I think voeckler might have overdone it today. Tomorrow will be hard on all of them!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My First Math Teacher Conference

Well, I now have my first conference as a math teacher under my belt. It was interesting. It was VERY crowded and it was VERY hard to get into sessions. Basically, if you REALLY wanted to go to one, you had to skip the one before to go get in line. Then sit on the floor killing time. I waited for 1.5 hours for one, 1 hour for several. Worth it? Eh.

It wasn't until the third and final afternoon, when most others had already left, that I really felt like I was getting some useful information. Not that the first 2.5 days, weren't useful, just not really new useful.

Part of the problem was my ability to pick sessions. I was not good at it. There were SOO many of them and it was hard to guess by the three sentence blurb if it'd really be something good.

Also, other attendees were friendly but I didn't see as much bonding and sharing and such as I'd have liked or expected. While sitting and waiting, I tried to talk to the people around me and several just wanted to text or read or not talk to me. Hmm... maybe it's me! The ones who did engage in conversation were very nice and I got several new, good ideas from them!! The other thing is that many groups stuck together. Most of us from my group were split up all day, partly due to interest but also to try to get the most out of it. If all 3-4 go to the same session, how is that helpful?!

So, those are my thoughts. I'd go again next year. Partly cuz it's in Houston though :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

World Peace next?

I feel like I've solved all of the world's problems today!!
Okay, not really. But, I did vacuum my entire bedroom. Under the bed, behind the dressers, etc. So clean!! Of course, at the very end, I may have broken a toe, but we're gonna ignore that for the moment.
THEN, while icing my toe, I checked my favorite app - the amazon appstore - for today's free/sale app. It was easytether which my dad gas mentioned several times. Short story: for $4.99 I have internet on my computer - tv watching and all!!!!!
So, maybe I should try to balance the national budget... on second thought, maybe I should start with my own!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ahhh... the glory of God's Creation

I did NOT want to get up this morning. But I did. I was sweating before I left my house. But I left. Got on the trail a little after 7am.
What was my reward? God's creation in its full splendor surrounding me for 8 miles (3 hours).
So glad I went. Pretty sure I sweat out mire calories than I burned, but it was a good hike!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh, the heat!

Day 18 over 100 this year. Thirteenth, I think, in a row. Whatever, its hot. And dry. And hot.
I was supposed to hike this morning. My last training hike. I haven't trained much cuz it is to dern hot!! Anyway, I woke up at 6 am with a headache so I didn't hike. I am going to try again tomorrow. Of course, our LOW will be in the 80's... I'm hoping I am on the trail by 7 that I can make it until 10:30 or so and get in the miles I want. Without dying.
Have I mentioned that it is HOT?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Feels so good

I apologize if I sound like a broken record. I LOVE MY JOB!!!! And I love the feeling that I am SO in the right place!
What brought this on today? I spent some time in my classroom yesterday and today and I LOVE being there!! If I weren't hungry and missing the G-monster, I'd have stayed longer. I also fear doing too much and pissing off the janitors and maintenance folks who might not be done with whatever they need to do in there.
Also, while not sleeping last night, I came up with an idea. Stay tuned for info on the Hand Written Letter Initiative!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bad to good

I was going to post last week about my unexplained bad mood. Not only was I cranky and emotional, I was lethargic. Good thing it's summer!! I hate not knowing why I feel the way I do. I blamed the heat, the cycle of lazy=lazy, whatever I could think of.
I realized two things this weekend. First, I'd been out of iron pills for a week or so. Second, although I'd been around people, not students or the classroom. So.... Sunday I bought iron. And this week I am administering TAKS at school and spending time in my classroom (not a lot, tests are in another room).
Today? Great mood!! Getting stuff done. Smiling.
So, was it the iron or the classroom?! Who cares!!!! (Though I'd like to say, if it is the classroom, just more proof that I'm where I belong!!).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stick it out?

Ever start reading a book and decide its not very good a few chapters in? But then you keep reading to see if it gets any better? But it doesn't really? So I'm there right now. But my problem is that I've gotten far enough that I kinda want to know what happens. But its not very good and I'd like to move on... how long will I wonder?? I guess if I can't get it out of my head later, I can check it out again....
Oh, the dilemmas of life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

True calling

I think I've said this before, but finding a true calling is an amazing feeling!!! Yes, I'm very happy to have some time away from high school students, but I'm already excited to go back in august and start again!! It's truly a blessing to have found my job, which has become my home away from home.
Now, back to doing nothing. Cuz I can :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


For the first time in a very long time, I can say, "I read a book today." start to finish. Not an epic 1000 page saga or anything. just a nice Christian novel. And without staying up all night to finish it too :)

Here's the situation... as of tomorrow, my home internet is going away. I can do almost everything I need to do on my cell phone (my only phone!). I thought about watching some TV on all afternoon, because I can still, until tomorrow. But I've watched everything I wanted to watch, all the season finales and such. I had gotten a new book at the library (a week ago actually) after seeing some new titles while killing time at WalMart. Never realized they had such a large Christian novel selection!

Anyway, this book was about a young lady who ends up living with an Amish family, and taking on their ways for a while. And she likes it. So, all afternoon, as I am reading and thinking, shouldn't I be online one last time, I'm also thinking, man, there's nothing wrong with the simple life! Not the AMish lifestyle is simple, they work their butts off, but simple in there are fewer distractions and such.

So, I've decided that turning off my internet is going to be a GREAT thing and I will embrace the time to read, talk (and listen!!) to God, and hopefully continue to figure out who God wants me to be, and to be that person!!

(the book was Hidden by Shelley Shepard Gray - it's the first in a series I think)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have summeritis SO bad it's not even funny. I think I'm "doner" than the students are. I feel guilty, but if they don't want to learn, why should I feel like teaching?! I teach, I'd just rather be somewhere else. June 8, HURRY UP!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Like a Good Neighbor...

My neighbors are really quite wonderful. Here's why today...

I pull in my driveway and open my garage door like always. I get out, get the mail, bring in the trashcans, say hello to the neighbors next door who are sitting outside. I go in the garage and push the garage door button. Nothing happens! The overhead light is on, so the power is on. I go into the car and push the remote button which I had JUST used to open the door. Nothing. So, I walk over to the neighbors and say, "what would make my garage door opener stop when I JUST used it?" The very nice man walks over with me. We do this and that and he looks at it and I swear he grunted, but I think it was really more of a "huh" like it made no sense to him either. So we try some more things and get it to run when it's not latched. Okaaaayyyy... so we relatch it, while it's down, and sure enough it goes up. but then it won't go down! finally i take the car out and he gets on the step ladder and asks for a screw driver. one little screw had come a little loose (seriously, i think he made one full rotation screwing it back in, if that) and it wouldn't hit the latchy thingy so that it'd go back down when the button was pushed. we laughed about it, I thanked him profusely, offered him the old mower for parts (he told me a handyman will give me $5-10 probably), he left and i drove back in and shut the door.

but really, do i need a "sanity day" or what? good thing i already have one planned for tomorrow :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Ever have one of those moments when you just think, "golly, i'm happy"? i have them quite often these days. love my job. love my friends. love my house. etc. etc. etc. even on a bad day, i still get to come home to my adorable fluffy G.

yup. life is good. and i owe it all to God. living out His will is amazing!!! i highly recommend it!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Worse things to be addicted to...

I think I'm hooked on free stuff. I now daily check several sites that give coupons or free samples or whathaveyou. It couple be worse, I guess. I mean, it is all free...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lenten Challenge

A friend of mine on FB (former church camp director when I was a counselor) has been posting a daily Lenten challenge which she (or someone) created for her congregation. Most of them I've found pretty easy (tell someone you love them, do something nice for someone, etc.). Today's is spend time reflecting through writing. Blogging was one of the suggestions. So... here i am!!!

Hmmm... reflection... well, today I went out on a limb and shared an idea I had with my principal. She asked me to follow through on it and it'll likely happen. Thing is, I'm doing way more than what my initial idea entailed and she expects. And I'm enjoying it. I truly want what's best for the students. It's not about impressing her or getting my passing rate up (the project is TAKS related). And most would say, eh, it's too much work. But it's not really. And it will show the rest of the school that MATH teachers care!! So, it's not all about the students I guess. Oh well.

Anyway, the reflection is that I really, truly love my job. I'm doing this project happily and enthusiastically on a day when I was ready to throw things and just didn't feel like teaching. But that I'm still passionate about it all is what matters. We all have "those" days!!

Reflection over. Did I even really reflect?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh the dollars...

They just go. Somewhere. Question of the day... how does one get through life without spending money.  While having a life. I could not go anywhere and not do anything, but that's no fun!!! And really not healthy.
Answer: for me, it means separating needs and wants. Learning to be frugal. And admitting that I CAMT do or have all my wants.

But golly its hard!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Step back...

Today is one of those days that reminds me why I like being lazy. Or really why I spent so much time previously doing nothing, I should say.

For some reason, it was a tiring day on the job. I had planned to come home and work in the yard. I thought I didst have to tutor. Tutoring was supposed to happen, I learned when I asked, in person, at 2pm. By then I'd told most that there was none. Anyway, one student wanted to fix her test, which she cant but she'd already missed the bus to stay and signed up for the late bus. So I said, sure sit here and do something, at least I'll get paid. She and her boyfriend and his best friend (also my student) stayed and just chatted so at 4 I said go away and I left.

So I came home. And am exhausted and hungry and working the yard just isn't gonna happen. But then I felt guilty for not actually tutoring and leaving early!!

I'm so tired it'll be an early night. I didn't even teach today!!! They took tests and I sat.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Garden Step 1

Actually not even the garden yet...

I started preparing to seed the two parts of land off the sidewalk to the patio. I worked about 15-20 minutes and that was enough!! It's not nearly as easy as I was thinking. I got one side tilled and somewhat cleared.

Little steps...

Sunday, April 10, 2011


One of the things I use Twitter for is to follow live tweets from bike races (think lance Armstrong). Since they're all in Europe basically, I often am reading after they're over. But thats ok. Still fun.

This morning I caught P-R (for short) while it was still happening. This is a huge one day event with lots of cobblestone roads which is its big challenge, as opposed to hills, etc. There are lots of crashes and can be a fun ride (unless you crash I guess!). Anyway, I also got to watch the last bit on voicestream video, in English!

You know its a good race when I'm yelling at the screen...

It's common for several guys to go out in what's called a breakaway and in some races that happens several times a day. But usually in the end those guys get caught and a "big name" takes the lead in the last few miles. And it always kinda irks me even when its a rider I like. Cuz those other poor saps worked really hard all day to stay out front and then the big name uses his team riders ti get him close and then he just uses full force the last little way. Or sometimes there are several who do that and it all comes down to a Sprint at the end. Remember we're talking 100+ miles. This is basically how it works. Often the guys out front all day are going for Sprint points or something and not the win but still.

Anyway, today the guy who was leading the break most of the day, WON!!! He worked his booty off and they did almost catch him. It was his first major win. Know what he did when he was done? Proposed to his girlfriend!!!

I might have a new fave rider to add to my list: VanSummeren.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baking Revelation

I vaguely remember various family members complaining or lamenting about baking and how long it took, or something. How hard it was?

I just put a spice cake into my new bundt pan (yay garage sales!!). Spent maybe 10 minutes mixing stuff. Now it'll bake while I do something else. Not too tough.

The only thing I can think of to complain about is that it's already hot and then I had to turn on the oven... but so?! The cake will be yummy and that's worth a little sweat!!

Also, I suppose, if I were baking and cooking every day for a family of 12, I'd probably find other things to lament.

Good thing it's just me and G!!! (and the ladies who might get some at book club tonight)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cake in a Mug!?!

A very good friend last week mentioned the "Coffee Mug Cake". Tonight, I needed some chocolate, but had no chocolate chips - my go-to dessert. So, I got online and found the recipe for the cake in a mug. I used water instead of milk, and, of course, powdered fake egg. I also had no vanilla. The recipe said that chocolate chips were optional. But if I'd had them, I wouldn't have needed the cake, now would I?!

Result? Not half bad. Killed my craving. Was quick and easy. Very much not good for you! I'd actually like to try it with the chips, and vanilla, and (soy) milk.

Thanks, L. for reminding me the recipe was out there!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have I Totally Lost It??

Since I keep dwelling on the "new" me, let me humor you further!

Monday evening I needed to take the trash to the curb, and had some room in the trash bag, so checked the fridge and freezer for any leftovers, etc. that needed to go. Easy enough...

I can't even remember what happened to get me to the next stage!! Next thing I know I've taken the bottom drawer thing out of the freezer that has had melted fruit juice-y stuff all in it forEVER!! It goes in the sink to soak. I let it soak overnight and last night I cleaned it all up and put it back in the freezer. Which REALLY needs a good cleaning...

I have it on my to-do list for this weekend, but I'm sitting here thinking "well, I'm not doing anything else productive, maybe I should do the freezer"...


Luckily, dinner's almost ready so by the time I eat, the urge should be long gone. Maybe.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Another thought

This weekend as I ran lots of errands and did this and that around he house, I also built in some downtime for me and G to just sit and be. But at those times I was still thinking I shouldering be doing something. And I got to thinking...

I spent the last two years basically unemployed. I couldn't get a job. I was going deeper into debt. I was depressed. I had no purpose. All that fun stuff.

Anyway, I realized that I'm not depressed anymore. Really and truly for the first time in a while. and I'm thinking this simple fact is helping the whole not being lazy thing.

Moral of the story is: I feel alive and happy :) So I think I'll go to bed! (I didn't say I was cured of needing sleep!!)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I am currently obsessed with Francesca Battistelli. Her new album rocks!!! I don't generally prefer female voices but her lyrics are amazing.

This morning as I make banana bread I'm jamming. And thus is my thought...
Her song Constant is an instant favorite.
"You're my constant in every moment
You've never failed me
All my life
You have never left my side
You are my constant."
SO true and so amazing!!! I was thinking yesterday how even when I didn't go to church, prayed irregularly and only selfishly, His was still right there loving me. I was what I'd call distant when I had cancer removed. But I'm all good and experienced one of lifes biggest blessings that day!!! The idea of it all - the constant blessings no matter our current position in the church, so to speak - overwhelms me and makes me want to spend my life in praise and thanksgiving!!!

If I knew how to post the song here, I would.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Me?

About a month ago, at a Spiritual Retreat, I was asked to declutter my mind and life. I can't remember the exact prompt but we were to write down something that we could give up to aid in the decluttering. I wrote down "laziness". Although the rest of the event was unspectacular, that one part stuck with me and I took it to heart.

I am, by nature, lazy. Or I thought I was. I'd much rather watch TV or read than clean or exert energy, unless it's exercise like hiking. If I can avoid walking into another room to put something away, I will. Well, previously I would!

Somewhere in writing down the word, or maybe it was in the sharing of it with my neighbor at the table, I changed my attitude. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a good lazy afternoon, or day, or whole weekend! But...

I started with the dishes. I HATE doing the dishes. I let them pile up until I run out of something (knives, for example) and then two days later finally get the dishwasher full and running, and still have a pile in the sink that didn't fit. It was a horrible, embarrassing cycle that I don't believe I've ever admitted before!! BUT!! No more!!! My dad would always give me a hard time. He uses about three dishes a day and washes them by hand after dinner and that's it. I have finally gotten ahead of the cycle and have now, for TWO weeks, washed my dishes every night before heading to bed. Know what? It doesn't take long when there's a pot, some cutlery, and a plate!! I do still use the dishwasher though. But when I run it, I don't leave the clean dishes in it for a week!! When they're dry, they come out :)

So, now that my kitchen is basically perpetually clean, instead of the opposite, I have found that messiness in other rooms is starting to bother me...

Am I becoming a neat freak?!?!?!! I doubt it. But I REALLY like my new attitude!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Well, technically Spring Break is over. All we have left is a regular old weekend. I think I've done quite well in enjoying this Break. I cleaned. I hiked. I sat around and did nothing. I hung out with George. I saw some friends. I ran errands.

The week could never be long enough, but I guess it's time to go back to the real world, before I get used to sleeping in, staying up late, and eating anytime I want.

10 weeks until summer!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Yesterday and today all the algebra students who got a 93 or above first semester took a test. Well, if they wanted to (meaning their teachers could talk them into it!). I had 19 who signed up and 15 take it (or so). The other two had a few more I think. We've been talking about he test for weeks and its become a fun little competition between teachers. For me its also about proving to my self and maybe others that I know what I'm doing!
I was in 2nd after yesterday. But I talked Danny into it today. He had to be late for soccer practice. He ROCKED it!! He actually did the second best on the test but they average it with their first semester grade. And HE WON!!!!!!! Which means I WON!!!!!
Don't worry he gets good stuff - letter jacket and/or letter, certificate, etc. And I want to do something small for all who took it. But definitely for him. Soccer something.
Anyway, its nice to win. It's nice to know I'm doing something right!!

Friday, February 25, 2011


That is all.

(and I just figured out how to see comments)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Doin' Something Right

Today I got one of the greatest compliments ever from a student. She said some years she can't do math cuz of the teacher. She aaked I'd there was a possibility of having me next year because she can learn it from me!!!! So sweet. Reminds that I'm doing SOMEthing right!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Please comment so I can see if I can see it! I am posting this from my phone. So fancy! And I'm getting pretty good at the typing thing :)

So High Tech!

I got my new phone! It does "everything"!! Except, I have to learn how to make it do it... guess it'll keep me busy for the next two years until it's time to upgrade again :)

Hmmm... I should figure out how to get to my blog on it...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Celebrate Being Single Day!!

Could there be a sillier holiday than Valentine's Day?? It celebrates a baby who supposedly is a good match-maker. Really?? Seems more about spending money and "proving" your love. Shouldn't we show our love every day??

I mostly felt this way when in a relationship too.

So, today I have christened, "Celebrate Being Single" Day!! Because, really, it's cheaper, no one disappoints you, and I don't have to dress up and fight crowds on a school night!!!

But for the couples out there, hope you have a good day. Don't forget to love your significant other tomorrow too :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

summer pooie

So here I am thinking I'd work an extra 6 weeks this summer, make some extra money and all would be well. I finally remembered to ask the principal in charge of summer school, while actually on campus (don't you have it when you only think of something when you can't do anything about it? but that's another post...). Guess what?

We're not having summer school. Most likely. Apparently, summer school is not state funded after 6th grade and so we have to charge for it, and I guess that doesn't go over well, and basically is more hassle than it's worth so they've, so far, just said, eh, never mind.

So, now I'm trying to brainstorm other short-lived summer jobs, that will make more bank than it will take effort...

the good news is that the principal said he'd offer to "his" staff first, if they change their minds, and he'd put feelers to the elementary principals for me. since i AM certified and all!! i can handle 6 weeks of brats, right!??!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ted has met their mother - spoiler

If you watch How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) you'll know that we've followed Ted for several (4?) years in search of Ms. Right. He is telling this story to his kids who we occasionally see on the couch, reacting. In the last year or so there's been much gripe that he needed to get somewhere on his search. Last season we were teased with the fact that he dated her roommate...

I THINK (but could be wrong) that a recurring character, Zoie, was at some point said to be a roommate of that ex, but of course, not necessarily THE one.

TONIGHT, Ted and Zoie, FINALLY get together (she was married). YAY!!!

Why am I blogging about this? Well... I had this thought... if Ted has finally met HIS match, isn't it about time for me?

Not that I'm ready. Too much to deal with as a single person - debt, career solidity (is that a word?), etc. But, still...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Week

I love Texas. As I've stated (or whined or hollered) I hate being cold and I hate snow. In Texas, we get very few snowy, icy, frigid days. The best part is that Texans, like me, are wimps and everything shuts down. I basically refuse to drive in the icy, snowy mess and have considered calling in sick on days that are bad. Luckily I've never had to because school generally gets cancelled.

This week we will be out of school for 4 days. Because 1 inch of snow/ice refuses to melt. Sounds ludicrous but I sure am glad. Yes, making the days up in June will bite. But driving on these roads bites worse!!

Now, the real problem is that my kids get a test on Monday. Is there any chance they remember this stuff?!?!! I am considering letting them use their review... Any chance they know where it is after all this time!?!?!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

it's MY blog

and I'll complain if I want to.

IT'S WAY TOO FLIPPING COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS is NOT why I live in TX. now, the bright side is that it's rarely THIS cold and never for very long. not all winter like in other places. THAT is why I DO live in TX!! BUT, when it's THIS cold for THIS long, yep, I whine.

I HATE BEING COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and paying electric bills)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Finding God?

Why is it when someone decides to follow Jesus/God and lead a moral, Christian life, we say they "found God"???

Was God missing? I know where God is, but that doesn't mean I follow the path He has set out for me... I believe that God exists, but that doesn't mean I make the right choices based on what is written in the Bible...

Well, okay, maybe I shouldn't have said "I". Cuz I try very hard to DO those things, because I KNOW God and KNOW that He exists. 

Just some ramblings. My mind rambles more when I'm tired. I'm exhausted...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Great Friends

There are friends and then there are friends. You know? Some friends come and go, but then there are the ones who, no matter how long it's been or what's happened in life, we can sit down and chat about anything and everything like we see each other every day!

I am blessed with many friends. 245 according to Facebook. But few of them are "that" kind of friend. In fact, many I'd call acquaintances at this point.

One of my resolutions every year, if I called them that, is to be a better friend. I feel like weeks go by and I haven't said, "hey" to enough people that I care about. It's not that I don't care or want to know what's happening, or want to lend an ear, or whatever they need. It's just life goes on, and time flies by and bam, it's been way too long.

But, then, there are the friends who I could go MONTHS without talking to, and yet I know that one, they'd come to my aid as best possible without hesitating, and two, when we DO find time to catch up, it's like time never elapsed, except for all the catching up to do.

All that, to get to my thought provoking question of the moment... which friend is "better" or more important or should we strive for? And, how do friends become one or the other type (though the answer to that for me is most often geography)?

And, even more important question, to me, is... How can I be a better friend, even to the ones I know will love me in the months and years between catching up? Cuz, really, if it weren't for Facebook, I'd be a truly crappy friend to most of the people I consider good friends!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

books and ladies

My weekends lately have consisted of tv on and my foot propped up. Oh and G on my lap. Really, it's all good :) This weekend is a little different.

Yesterday I hosted a book club meeting at my home. The first one so we didn't have a particular book to talk about. So we talked about ALL books. Lots and lots and lots of books!! And some other stuff, but mostly books.

Today I went to a meeting of the ladies group at church. We talked about all the service and mission and fun we're going to do this year. I'm so very excited.

Now I'm recuperating from all that excitement with my foot up. Cat should show up any second.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

sunshine needed

i am feeling the effects of grey skies and cold weather big time this year. right now. i only slightly paid attention to NCIS tonight (fatigue blamed on freshmen) but yet the end almost had me in tears!! way overly emotional!! yep, i need to lay in the sun for a couple hours. on a beach, preferably!

maybe we'll have 8th period outside tomorrow...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Listen AND Follow

Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.
-Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)

How often do we stop, ask God for guidance and then we either don't wait for an answer or when we get the answer we do what we want anyway?! I think we're all guilty of this. Because, let's face it, we want what we want, and sometimes God doesn't agree or gives us a harder path than we anticipated or think we can deal with. There's also a verse (which will be one I memorize this year, obviously since I can't even remember where it is to go look it up!!) about God not giving us what we can't handle. I just learned that this was a verse recently; always thought it was just a cute saying we tell others when they're having a hard time. Of course it's a verse!!! God's amazing that way :)

Anyway, those are my thoughts this morning. Ask God, listen, and obey; it'll be okay, even great. End of lesson.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

failure rates

know how to get your failure rates up on a test? only give it to the students who are failing the class... yup. semester exams... a student can be exempt based on absences and grade. so, basically the only ones taking the test are the ones who've been absent a lot or sit in class and sleep, or act up, or simply pay no attention. yup.

can you say curve?!?!

(i had one student come in at the end of the day. he said he'd heard the test was hard. i told him he would've aced it. that's why HE was exempt!!)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I don't complain - much...

That might be a lie. But I really try not to. Until January when it's colder than cold and I tell anyone who'll listen that I HATE IT!!!!! I also HAAAAAAATE SNOW!!!! I live in Texas so I have a few days here and there for a couple months, and not everyday for several months. Now, tell me, why do people who live THERE complain about it??? If you don't like it, MOVE!!! Yes, I know it's not that simple, I'm just sayin'...


(I do have reasons, too, btw. I'm not just a wimp.)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Graduation Prep and such

We were asked today to let the admin know if we're going to attend graduation and need regalia. They rent it for us, apparently. I asked the two teachers nearest me (in proximity) and neither of them attend. Now, I do understand that we teach freshmen and 3 years from now, many of them will be gone, or have forgotten us, and vice versa. But, still, isn't it nice for those seniors to see a whole slew of us out there supporting them? Supporting the concept of graduating! Supporting academics!

I am going. And I know for darn sure I am going in 2014. I just became their class sponsor :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy Blogday (almost) to myself :) I've had 63 (well, this is 64) since 1/4/10. Since that first blog, I have... gone vegan, got a job, bought a car, with a whole lotta little stuff in between. So glad I had somewhere to share all the excitement!! Thanks for reading!! My goal for 2011 is to have more than one reader :) As much as I love you L!!!